12 Beautiful Define Backyard

define backyard definition the portion of a lot or building site behind a house structure or the like sometimes fenced walled etc See more define backyard definition A backyard is an area of land at the back of a house Meaning pronunciation translations and examples
indonesian backyardbackyard translate halaman belakang Learn more in the Cambridge English Indonesian Dictionary define backyard backyard backyard synonyms backyard pronunciation backyard translation English dictionary definition of backyard also back yard n A yard at the rear of a house n 1 the yard behind a house 2 an area regarded as one s private property or domain Noun 1
definition 1 a small space surrounded by walls at the back of a house usually with a hard surface 2 a Learn more define backyard webster thesaurus backyard10 synonyms of backyard from the Merriam Webster Thesaurus plus 21 related words definitions and antonyms Find another word for backyard Backyard an adjoining region or space
define backyard Gallery
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